As I am sitting here trying to accomplish my last blog for the week, my daughter comes to me and tells me that she wants to watch me do my homework and sits on my lap. Naturally I have decided to give you insight to what it is like to have a 4 year old little girl and a list of must haves according to Emily.
Emily is a typical 4 year old. She loves and wants everything right now. She is trying our patience by not listening and figuring out her boundaries in almost every aspect you can think. She is discovering her sense of humor, which is fantastic, and always has me laughing. You just never know what she is going to say. She asks a billion questions everyday and continues to ask until you give her a proper answer. She will not settle for a typical mommy answer like "because I said so." She thinks I am magic, but is starting to figure out I'm really not. She is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me, and at the time I was pregnant the most terrifying thing also.
So in all her awesomeness this is her list of the 5 things every little girl must have:
1. Glitter: What is a little girl without glitter? Emily has to have this for everything! The more her outfit sparkles the more she loves it. The art projects from school that she wants to keep are all the ones that are glittery. There is a problem with glitter. It will not come off of things and is forever a part of my furniture and vehicle. I despise the stuff actually, but if it makes her happy I will suffer.
2. Disney Princesses: I really do not know a little girl that doesn't like the Disney princesses. Emily's favorite right now is Ariel, but that has changed with each new movie she has seen. She cannot just pick one. As her mom, I could not be happier about this. I grew up watching Disney movies and love all the memories that come back when I watch these with her.
3. Paint/Crayons/Markers: My child could color all day, every day. It is one of the first things she asks to do in the morning and one of the last things we are telling her to put up at night. She is an absolute perfectionist when it comes to coloring or painting and if you get out of the line she will fire you. I have been fired and couldn't help but laugh. She yelled for me to color with her for a while and within 5 minutes she said, "Umm, you colored outside of the lines. You don't have to color with me anymore because you aren't doing a good job." Yup, I am in for it when she starts getting graded on things. :)
(Emily, age 3, colored this in the car)
4. Play-doh: If Emily doesn't want to color, she wants her play-doh. It is another thing that will keep her occupied for hours if we let it. She claims everyone needs play-doh so they can makes snakes and roll it into a ball. I love that she uses her imagination when she plays with play-doh and tries to build things with it even if it does get all over the place.
5. Treats: Emily is a treat fanatic. She feels she deserves a treat after she does anything. She said only good girls need treats, but when she is misbehaving she still thinks she should get one. I asked her what type of treat every little girl must have, she proudly said, "BANANAS!" Proud mommy moment there! I think that is one treat most parents would be happy to give their child.