Friday, April 4, 2014

My Reflections of Social Media

Social Media | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
(Image from Pinterest)
I cannot believe this semester is almost over.  Where did the time go?  I am pretty sure this semester went by so quickly because I have really enjoyed my classes, especially social media.  This is a class that is not like any other class and I actually have people question me when I tell them I am working on something for social media.  The looks I get from people are priceless because so many of them had no clue that social media could be a class and is a class at the University of Louisville.

I have learned so much from this class, not just about social media, but about myself as well.  We spent time learning about online reputation and had a paper to write about what we found. I learned that I am pretty responsible about what I share online. I also learned about many other aspects of social media like how brands use it to their benefit and are able to pull data to be able to tell if a campaign they are running is successful.  We had to keep a blog throughout the semester which is good for me because I am interested in pursuing a career in this field. I am not going to lie, I was a little stressed about it starting out because it was something I wasn't comfortable doing, but now I am comfortable blogging and plan to continue a personal one. This is the class that Hootsuite University was assigned in as well.  I have learned so much through that program. You can read the blog I posted about it if you are interested in learning more. I was clueless before this class at the potential social media had and what was all capable with it, but the possibilities are endless and ever-changing.

The big project we have for this class is a social media campaign for a client that we have worked on all semester in groups. My group consists of 5 girls, including myself and our client is Glow Go! 5K race that is being held in July.  Through this project I have learned hands-on how to set up a proposal for clients on how to reach more people while improving their social media presence.  It has really been an interesting adventure with these girls and it is not over yet.  The end of the semester we have to present our proposal to the clients, but we are learning more about that next week.  This is definitely a class that I would recommend to anybody enrolled at the University of Louisville.
(Image from @GlowGo5K twitter profile)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Thoughts on Hootsuite University

Before this semester I was pretty clueless about the potential of social media for businesses.  My professor assigned the class Hootsuite University as one of the projects and I am so happy she did.  Hootsuite University is a place anybody can go to learn more about social media.  They offer a social media course that once completed you become a Certified Social Media Consultant which is what my professor assigned us to complete.  I have been working on my certification and am so close to being done.  I cannot wait until I can add this to my resume.
Displaying Screenshot_2014-04-03-22-17-09.png
 While working on Hootsuite University I have found that is a little difficult to keep your interest.  It is compiled of short videos ranging from 1 minute to 25 minutes and are so full of information it is hard to retain it all.  It really isn't at all interactive which is something I consider valuable to learning, but it is a pretty easy course so far. Since the videos are short it is easier to watch one a couple times without taking too much time which is what I have been doing.  The exams are set up so you can take them more than once and you have to score a 100% before it is considered complete. The only thing I would change about this course is making it more interactive.  I once took a computer class that before you could move on to the next video you had to complete a mock version of what the video taught you.  It wasn't until you completed this so many times did it unlock the next video.  I think it would be beneficial for Hootsuite to implement some form of interactivity to give you more of a reason to pay attention. I am one that learns from interactive hands-on tools, especially when it is an online course.

Displaying Screenshot_2014-04-03-22-17-34.png
I have learned a lot from Hootsuite University also.  I like how they break down every section for the top social media sites, like Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  Some of these social media sites I was unfamiliar with, but because of Hootsuite's class I am learning more about social media than I ever thought possible. It is because of the class and this course that I am excited about social media and excited about what this certification will bring my way. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

How to Prepare for the Big Game

Every team has their rivalry that when they meet in the season that is considered the big game. The University of Kentucky has the University of Louisville, Purdue University has Indiana University, just to name a couple.  If you are anything like me, the big game means a reason to party.  I am going to give my tips on how to prepare for the big game and party.

BYOB...this would be me !
Image found on Pinterest
Food: So food is very important during any sporting event, but it is especially important with college basketball and football.  The favorite in our house is queso and chips.  I usually make a spicy one with sausage in it and a mild one that has no meat in it.  My best tip would be to stick with finger foods during games.  I have discovered that people don't want to hold plates with food on them during intense games that arms are flailing. 

Drinks:  Make sure you stock up on drinks before people start arriving.  I always forget to get ice, so somebody always has to run to the store and get a bag. Oops. You need to decide if your night of enjoying the game is going to be a BYOB, bring your own beer, or if you are willing to share your alcohol with them. I am usually a person that doesn't mind sharing, but my house is a BYOB kind of place.

Gear:  Every team needs to have their gear ready by game time and that includes their fans. One of the first things I do the week of the game is make sure our team apparel is washed and ready for game day.  My husband makes sure he has his lucky hat on before every game because he feels it really helps the team.
Image from JD Becker website

Friends and Family: Make sure you invite your favorite people over to enjoy the game with.  It really stinks to be so busy preparing for the game that you forget to invite people out to watch the game. Personally, my favorite way to watch the game is with a ton of friends having a great time. It is usually a night of laughter and yelling at the television, which is always awesome!

Now, enjoy your game!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March Madness

     March is that time of year that people start getting antsy.  The weather is changing and becoming warmer and college basketball is down to the final tournament, March Madness.  This is my favorite time of year for both of these reasons. College basketball is something I remember watching with my dad when I was growing up.  I loved when the Kentucky Wildcats played with Coach Pitino by their side.  I believe those were the years it was instilled in me that I was born to be a Cats fan.

March Madness has always been a huge event and something that many people talk about around the water cooler at work, but it is turning into so much more with social media.  People are able to communicate to anyone during the games through Twitter and there are many hashtags based on March Madness alone. You can follow all of the happenings of March Madness through social media and not really worry about what you are going to miss.  Every team has a hashtag now, but the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky have many to represent different aspects of the team and their fans including #tweak, #BBN, #L1C4, #LouisvilleHateWeek. There are also people you can follow to get in depth detail of the game and get a behind the scene look at what is going on. Nick Stover (@ULFlyingCard) is a great example of this for University of Louisville fans.

This week is the most exciting game of the season for both University of Kentucky and University of Louisville since they are meeting in the Sweet 16 (#Sweet16).  This has sparked many conversations and friendly rivalry trash talking on social media about who's team is going to win.  I think social media is great for this and really adds to the excitement and experience of the game.  I know I look forward to it because of all the hype this game is receiving.  After all, it is the biggest game of the year!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Barry's Cheesesteaks

One day my husband came home and told me about a new cheesesteak place that opened on Preston Hwy in Louisville called Barry's Cheesesteaks. Ever since our favorite cheesesteak place moved out of Louisville, we had been searching for something even close to it. We googled it and found a WHAS 11 interview with Barry Washington.  We watched the interview and had to visit this place. I am sure you will too.

Barry Washington grew up in a rough neighborhood in Philadelphia and lost his way as a young teenager and started selling drugs like cocaine and heroine.  He had hit rock bottom after years in and out of jail and was stabbed multiple times after people he robbed retaliated. It wasn't until he was living on the streets that he asked two men walking if they could help him get something to eat that things changed.  The gentlemen that helped invited him to church that evening and he went, which ended up being one of the best decisions he made.  Since then he has earned his GED, went to school for ministry,  and became a pastor at a church called Redeemed Christian Church located in the West end of Louisville. His story was featured on the 700 Club.

As a pastor he began to notice that the church didn't off many activities for their teenagers and young adults.  That is when he decided  he needed to find something to keep them off the streets.  They decided to open Barry's Cheesesteaks, but he made the youth prepare everything from finding the location and renovating it to running most of the everyday operations of the business.

While it was the back story that led us to this place, it is the food and people that keeps up coming back almost weekly.  They have a basic menu that includes, or course, chicken and steak cheesesteaks sandwiches, burgers, wings, fries, etc. The philly cheesesteak (#2 on the menu) is my absolute favorite and because it is so good I have not tried anything else. This restaurant is one of my daughter's favorite place to go.  The people there just adore her and make her feel so special. You can tell they are loving what they are doing.  I look forward to seeing their smiling faces when we walk through the door.  I am telling everyone they must go and check this place out because they will not be disappointed.  Everyone we know that has tried Barry's Cheesesteaks has been back multiple times.  In other words, if you come to Louisville, KY go to Barry's Cheesesteaks, get some amazing food, and witness yourself what he is doing for these kids.  He is keeping them from making the same mistakes he did growing up and giving them something to be proud of.  They ALL have every right to be proud.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Social Media Monitoring

Monitoring Tools for Social Media MonitoringIf you are anything like me, you have no clue what is all possible through social media.  Before my social media class I was clueless about monitoring and analytics, but I am catching on to all the possibilities. It is something I would definitely recommend, especially if you are a business and are trying to use social media to get your name out there.

Social media monitoring  is something every company or brand should implement in order to take full advantage of the different platforms. Through this class we are becoming familiar with Hootsuite and will become a certified Hootsuite consultant by the time this semester is over.

Even though there are many tools to use, like Bottlenose, Klout, and Sprout Social, Hootsuite is the one I am familiar with. It is a website where you can monitor all of your social media platforms in one place. You can even monitor specific topics or hashtags.  There is also an app function that allows you to monitor other platforms that are available like YouTube. While you are monitoring you can also pull up analytics to see what works and what doesn't.  You can see how many people were able to see your posts and how many responded. Adding social media monitoring to your business plan will definitely benefit you in more ways than not.

Why Do You Need Social Media Monitoring

Thursday, February 27, 2014

My Best Friend

While I was pondering on what to write my blog about I decided to Google ideas to blog about.  From the results I choose a blog titled Sweet ideas: 50 things to blog about which gave me some great ideas. One idea (#6) is the hardest thing you've ever been through so that is what I have decided to write about.

I met my best friend, Amber, when we were 3 years old. She took dance classes at the same studio I was at. We went to school together from kindergarten until we graduated high school.  We were inseparable most of the time and became closer after we graduated.  When we turned 21 year old we went out every chance we could and were able to experience many different things together.  Since her birthday was on Halloween we always went all out. My favorite Halloween with her was the night we went out with a big group of friends as bunnies and our good friend, Larry, went as Hugh Hefner. All night we rode around in a 1957 Chevy Bel Air Limo and were treated like royalty.

Ever since I could remember Amber was sick. She was diabetic and it really took a toll on her body. Shortly after she turned 22 she started experiencing pain in her kidneys.  The doctors couldn't find anything so they treated her for her pain and sent her home. By October 2006, Amber couldn't stay out of the hospital. She would be in for two weeks and home for one. The following March the doctors finally figured what was going on and diagnosed her with Addison's disease. This disease is very rare and it occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones. You can live with Addison's disease with treatment, however, Amber had already gone so long without it. Amber left us on June 21, 2007.

My last visit with Amber was extremely special. She spent the majority of her time trying to convince me to move back to the Louisville area so we could go to 4th Street Live. She passed before we ever got the chance to come here together, but she is the reason I am here. She is also the reason I met my husband. We met the night of the 1 month anniversary of her death at 4th Street Live and have been together since.

Amber Sandlin 10-31-83/6-21-07

Friday, February 21, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 8

So I mentioned in my Social Consumers blog that I purchased a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.  This blog I am going to give my top reasons for buying this tablet instead of the other options. Again, I read many online reviews and asked many people their opinion in order to make the right purchase and I feel like I NAILED IT!

Image from Amazon

My number one reason for purchasing this tablet was the size and weight of it. I planned on carrying this tablet everywhere so I didn't want something that was heavy, especially with having so many books to carry also. According to Samsung's website this tablet weighs a measly 11.68 ounces.  I can fit it in my purse with ease and it doesn't add much weight to it at all. It is small enough that I am comfortable holding it in one hand when I am reading, but not so small that I can't read the screen. 

The second reason I went with the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 was that it was very easy to use.  I was familiar with Samsung's products before I purchased this because I had a Galaxy smartphone, but even those who have never used anything Samsung, like my mother, had no problems using it. In fact, my mother now has a Samsung tablet because she liked mine so much. I like that I can do all of my schoolwork on it without complications.  There are apps that I can get to make school more accessible and on-the-go. I even have all of my textbooks on it so I am not carrying much weight at all this semester.

Displaying Screenshot_2014-02-21-18-34-41.png
Screenshot of PowerPoint from tablet

The stylus is definitely one of the coolest things about this tablet. With it I can write, copy and paste, draw, and cut, among many other things.  I have teachers that post fill-in PowerPoints and I find it so nice just to fill them in on my tablet instead of printing them out. When I take my notes this way I always have people ask me about my tablet. One girl even said she wished her iPad did that. It is spot on with my handwriting and can tell what I am writing whether I am writing in cursive or print. I can switch it anytime from handwriting-to-text or I can keep it in my own handwriting.

One of my biggest reason for this tablet was that I could hook my flash drive up to it and store all of my school files on it. I found out that the iPad you cannot store anything externally. Having the advantage to plug in USB cables I am allowed to attached any device that connects through a USB. I purchased the plug-in from Amazon for next to nothing and have not had any problems with it.

I truly believe this is the best tablet out there for students. I suggest to anyone I can because I feel it is a great and convenient tablet to keep yourself organized. I have my textbooks, notes, class agenda, etc., all on one tablet. I have saved money each semester because it is a lot cheaper to get e-books and this tablet allows me to do that. Check it out for yourself! I promise you won't be disappointed!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Social Consumers

     Are you one of those people that research the product you want for weeks or do you buy spontaneously? I am guilty of both, but when I am dealing with a large purchase I definitely take weeks to make my decision. I would consider myself a social consumer, which according to Wikipedia is "a consumer that participates in social commerce, social shopping, and consults with social media and social networks when making purchasing decisions. I am one to ask for opinions on particular products. The last large purchase I made was a tablet for school so I turned to Facebook to ask people the pros/cons they found with iPads and Samsung Galaxy Notes. I read the online reviews from every website I could find so when I was ready to make my purchase I already knew exactly what I wanted and only spent about five minutes total in the store.

Introducing the Social Consumer    Percentages in using facebook and social media as consumers and those interested in branding, buying and online shopping
(Image from Pinterest)

      I would blame my social consuming on my smartphone. It is so easy to access your social media accounts to ask for opinions or suggestions and you can look up online reviews for anything. I find myself, especially when traveling, reading a ton of online reviews. I always read about hotels I may stay in, restaurants I may eat at, and activities we may do while there. I don't know about anyone else, but being able to do this really has spoiled me. There are also times I find myself reading online reviews for entertainment. My favorite reviews to read are the Sugar-free Haribo Gummy Bears on amazon. Trust me, they will make you laugh out loud. My husband and I also have fun going to random towns and eating somewhere based on the reviews. We have gone to some awesome places we normally wouldn't have gone to because of this.

Image from Google
When I consult social media to ask about a product it is usually a large purchase.  I asked about cell phones the last time I was due an upgrade and I asked about my tablet. I chose the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 because it had the best reviews for students and I do not regret it! Since the majority of the people on my facebook page are people I know and trust I tend to ask about products on there. I have several friends that also consult Facebook friends when making purchases. I try to give my opinions when it is something I am comfortable with. If not, I keep an eye on the post if it is something I am interested in. I think everyone should be social consumers. I feel it is a new way of shopping and finding out information some places would try to hide. I like that the people are everyday people sharing their experience.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Visual Communications

Visual Communications are becoming a favorite way of sharing your life and information you are interested in. There are different ways and platforms you can access like Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and Vine.  I am just starting to use Instagram and Vine so I am still not too familiar with them, but so far I really like them.  Pinterest and YouTube I am very familiar with and use constantly.  I am going to let you in on what I love about each of these.

Displaying Screenshot_2014-02-14-20-17-27.pngPinterest  (jacklynmantooth) is a website that I never considered as a social media platform until I started this class. I have always thought of it as just an awesome place online to get ideas, recipes, and how-to guide to almost anything I am interested in.  You can share the stuff you pin on Facebook and Twitter so it allows others to view and pin things you find. I currently have 18 boards that are categorized so it is easy to find what I pin for the future. My favorite things to look for while on Pinterest on home renovation and storage, backyard/garden ideas, and recipes. I have developed a pet peeve while on Pinterest.  It really bothers me when I click on a picture to be taken to the original website so I am able to read more about it and it takes me nowhere. It makes me want to scream. People please pin what you find from the website, don't just copy and paste. That being allowed is my least favorite part of Pinterest.

YouTube is one of those websites that still blows my mind. You can find almost anything you can imagine I consider this an excellent educational tool and watch a lot of videos with my 4 year old of things she is interested in. In the spirit of the Olympics (since they are currently on my television) I went on YouTube and watched a couple videos of Scott Hamilton figure skating from the 1980s and 1990s.  It brought back great memories seeing my all-time favorite figure skater on ice again. They do a great job keeping the raunchy, inappropriate videos off and have an option to report anything that you feel shouldn't be on there. My first semester at the University of Louisville I took a music history class where the professor had our class watch youtube videos weekly to help with our assignments. It was really neat to see how he incorporated this social media platform for us to watch some of the first music videos ever made.

Mike Thompson-Dynamite This was the first video my music teacher had us watch. I love it!

Scott Hamilton-Walk This Way (1994) My favorite performance.

The Louisville Zoo

After I became a mother I was looking for activities to do that would give me a workout and be appropriate to have a newborn with me. I had been to the Louisville Zoo, but only for the Brew at the Zoo. The Brew at the Zoo is an event that brings in businesses that brew their own beer and allow you to sample them. It also has food, wine, and music to make it an event I would definitely recommend. The year Emily was born my husband gave me season passes to the zoo for Christmas and I still feel this is the best gift ever! @LouisvilleZoo

The Louisville Zoo is a great place to go to spend a day or just spend an hour.  There are many exhibits and activities for the whole family to enjoy. They are open all year  and offer summer camps for kids that Emily cannot wait to participate in. The train that takes you around the zoo is finally back open after the accident from a couple years ago. They took their time in properly training the train staff and making repairs that I feel extremely safe while riding it. This is the first year it has been open since 2009.

They have play areas strategically placed throughout the zoo that are perfect to use as resting spots while the kids still play.  There are different things to do in the play area for different ages so I never felt Emily would get ran over by the bigger kids.  They also have a wonderful splash park that is open in the summers.  There have been many days I have taken Emily in her bathing suit just to enjoy the splash park. In there they have rubber mats and an area that just has a little water come up for the little ones to play.  They also have a large ship with a slide and many water squirting toys to play with. I enjoy it because the parents can play too.

One thing I really enjoy and appreciate about the zoo is that you are allowed to bring your own food in. Most places make you purchase their overpriced food, but here you can bring any food you would like. Before I go to the zoo I always go down to this little deli called Morris Deli. They have the best food that is very reasonable and super nice people that work there.

Picture from
The zoo has been going through massive changes in the past couple years and recently spent 2.2 million dollars on renovating their polar bear/grizzly bear exhibit called Glacier Run.  It resembles a giant glacier slide. My husband was contracted to work with the crew that built the polar bear exhibit and we are all still very excited that he had that opportunity. It was really neat to hear how everything was created and also makes the exhibit more personal for us. They have added a bird sanctuary that you can enter and interact with the birds where you can give them nectar, but we have to wait until Daddy is with us since I am terrified of birds. The buildings in the zoo house mainly reptiles, amphibians, and fish which include an albino alligator that I find absolutely fascinating.  He is my favorite!

The zoo really is a great place to take your family to, especially the Louisville Zoo because of everything it has to offer.  I know I can't wait until this weather changes so we can get back to it.  It has been way too long!

Friday, February 7, 2014

5 Things Every Little Girl Must Have!

As I am sitting here trying to accomplish my last blog for the week, my daughter comes to me and tells me that she wants to watch me do my homework and sits on my lap. Naturally I have decided to give you insight to what it is like to have a 4 year old little girl and a list of must haves according to Emily.

Emily is a typical 4 year old.  She loves and wants everything right now.  She is trying our patience by not listening and figuring out her boundaries in almost every aspect you can think. She is discovering her sense of humor, which is fantastic, and always has me laughing. You just never know what she is going to say.  She asks a billion questions everyday and continues to ask until you give her a proper answer. She will not settle for a typical mommy answer like "because I said so." She thinks I am magic, but is starting to figure out I'm really not. She is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me, and at the time I was pregnant the most terrifying thing also. 


So in all her awesomeness this is her list of the 5 things every little girl must have:

1. Glitter: What is a little girl without glitter? Emily has to have this for everything!  The more her outfit sparkles the more she loves it. The art projects from school that she wants to keep are all the ones that are glittery.  There is a problem with glitter.  It will not come off of things and is forever a part of my furniture and vehicle. I despise the stuff actually, but if it makes her happy I will suffer.

2. Disney Princesses: I really do not know a little girl that doesn't like the Disney princesses. Emily's favorite right now is Ariel, but that has changed with each new movie she has seen. She cannot just pick one. As her mom, I could not be happier about this. I grew up watching Disney movies and love all the memories that come back when I watch these with her.

3. Paint/Crayons/Markers: My child could color all day, every day. It is one of the first things she asks to do in the morning and one of the last things we are telling her to put up at night. She is an absolute perfectionist when it comes to coloring or painting and if you get out of the line she will fire you. I have been fired and couldn't help but laugh. She yelled for me to color with her for a while and within 5 minutes she said, "Umm, you colored outside of the lines. You don't have to color with me anymore because you aren't doing a good job." Yup, I am in for it when she starts getting graded on things. :)

(Emily, age 3, colored this in the car)

4. Play-doh: If Emily doesn't want to color, she wants her play-doh.  It is another thing that will keep her occupied for hours if we let it. She claims everyone needs play-doh so they can makes snakes and roll it into a ball. I love that she uses her imagination when she plays with play-doh and tries to build things with it even if it does get all over the place.

5. Treats: Emily is a treat fanatic. She feels she deserves a treat after she does anything. She said only good girls need treats, but when she is misbehaving she still thinks she should get one. I asked her what type of treat every little girl must have, she proudly said, "BANANAS!"  Proud mommy moment there! I think that is one treat most parents would be happy to give their child.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Coke's Super Bowl Commercial

What do you think of when you hear it is Super Bowl time again?  Personally I think about the commercials, which one will be the best and which one will cause an uproar.  This year I believe the most talked about commercial was Coke's America the Beautiful commercial.

I thought this advertisement was absolutely beautiful and it even brought a tear to my eye. I love that they incorporated many different cultures and people that America is made of. I also enjoyed it being sang in the different languages that are heard around America. Coca-Cola definitely touched on the emotional aspect of the American people, but it was not all good.

 Coca-Cola's 'America the Beautiful' Super Bowl Commercial 2014 (Video)

When I looked up the definition of American on Google it said an American is a native or citizen of the United States. It does NOT state an American is only white and only speaks English. The American Dream started back in the Colonial time when the British established settlements in the new world. People come to America to start a new and better life for themselves and their families. We are known as the Melting Pot. When the British settled here they were immigrants themselves and took the land from the Native Americans.  There are ways for immigrants to become citizens of the United States now and after they complete the class, they are Americans.  Many of the people I have met from other countries love America and what it stands for, but they are not fond of the people in it. So many people feel that everything should be their way or no way and they are not adaptable to change.  These people make the rest of us look bad.  It seems they tend to forget that somewhere down the line their ancestors were not from America and moved here as immigrants.

Some of the people who caused a big stink over this commercial didn't even realize that the song sung was not the national anthem. Maybe that was why they caused the stink to begin with, but if you think about it, they really are not as proud as they think. How do you throw such a public fit on social media when you clearly don't know what you are talking about? If these people were truly proud they would love that our country is so diverse and is a place others want to be.

Coke's commercial showed what people should be proud of. It showed Americans getting along and celebrating together, which is how it should be. I loved the commercial! Way to go, Coca-Cola!


Friday, January 31, 2014

My Favorite Kentucky Derby Festival Events

Today in class we had the pleasure of talking with Robert Young, the VP of Public Relations for the Kentucky Derby Festival. It was a great presentation and I feel I learned a lot from having the opportunity of listening to him. The Kentucky Derby Festival is a huge two week celebration leading up to the Kentucky Derby.

The first year I attended anything Derby related was in 2008. Even though I grew up about two hours away from Louisville, the Kentucky Derby Festival is something I had never heard about.  The exception to this was Thunder Over Louisville and that was only because my sister started dating her husband and he was from New Albany, Indiana. He was astonished that we had never heard of it before since it was the largest firework display in the country.  I was absolutely blown away the first time I actually witnessed Thunder Over Louisville.  I love firework, probably one of my favorites things, but I was mesmerized by this display. Amazing!  Since that first year and every year after, I have brought someone from my hometown that has never heard of it.

 (Picture from Google Images)

Another event the Kentucky Derby Festival puts on that I love is the Pegasus Parade. My husband and I have brought our daughter to this since she was born. She loves the parade and so do I.  The parade does a great job recognizing local groups and highlights activities offered throughout the city. The only thing I wish was different with the parade is the time it is held. It is so difficult to get there because most people are still heading home from work so we have struggled with seeing the whole parade every year.

 (Pegasus Parade 2008)

The Chow Wagon that is held at the Waterfront Park is another one of my favorites to attend.  All year I look forward to the food, drinks, music, and atmosphere which is what the Chow Wagon is all about. I really like that it is family friendly and my daughter (age 4) apparently loves the corndogs since she talks about them all the time. There is something about a corndog from a festival that makes it absolutely delicious! Don't you think?

(Picture from Google Images)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Online Reputation

Often a person is judged on how they act in different situations. Back in the day, people only had to worry about their reputation locally, but now that online reputation is in existence you could be destroyed nationally if you are not smart about what you post. According to Google's definition, reputation the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something. Of course, online reputation is the same, it just pertains to your online activity.  People that are not very active online usually don't have much to worry about, but there are some people that just don't understand that there should be limits when online.  They don't realize how much people are tracked while online and that nothing every really gets deleted. 

Brand Yourself: Taking Control of Your Online Reputation. Good post by Sara.
Anything you post online, especially through your social media sites, can make or break your online reputation.  If you post a bunch of pictures of you partying and drinking, people may be led to believe you have a drinking problem which can tarnish your reputation online. Potential employers may not hire you if you complain about your current employer because they may think that you are a pessimistic person. You also have to consider who your online friends are and what they post. You may monitor the stuff you post to maintain a good reputation, but one of your friends may post something inappropriate that could change your online reputation.  For example, I had a friend that posted that she was sick and apparently called into work.  The next day she returned she got fired because her employer didn't tolerate lying.  When she checked, her friend had tagged her in a picture that was the two of them at a concert the night she called in.  She really struggled finding a new job because of how she lost the one she had.

There are ways to "fix" you online reputation. People have hired companies that are designed to clean up your online reputation. The link is a story about an Army General that had his reputation damaged after he bullied his staff. While I am not sure how much something like this would cost, I would think that it is not cheap. I don't know about you, but I would rather spend my money on something different. There is also plenty of websites that help you discover what you need to do next if you noticed that your online reputation has fallen.  Searching online reputation on Pinterest pulled up many different charts, pictures, and websites that give you many ways to check, manage, and change your online reputation.  I will share my favorite I found on there even though it is designed for a corporation because I feel it is still filled with great information.

Build positive online reputation with Easy Media Network - Online Reputation Management Services. Here is some tips to online reputation management.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Think Before You Type

I am not one to turn to social media to talk about everything. While on Facebook I may update my status about once a week, if that. I keep up to date with friends and family and don't accept friendships I do not know.  I try to stay a relatively private person, but I know that as long as I am on social media my every moves are being watched.  However, there are some people that tell all on social media and that may not be the best idea.

Most people think of social media sites as being a safe place to share your true feelings, but that is not the case at all.  For one, Facebook is notorious for changing your privacy settings and not informing you about it.  I made it a rule for myself to check my privacy settings on all my social media sites every other week to make sure there is nothing different.  You can also change privacy as you post a status on Facebook by changing your audience.  No matter what you do while you are online, what you think is private really isn't and can be held against you.

Nowadays it is not uncommon for a person to look another up through their social media in order to get the true tale of that individual. It is honestly a place where thinking before speaking or typing should definitely apply. You have to be smart about what you post and who you share it with.  For example, do not post about a trip you a taking, post about a trip you took. I have seen articles about how a person posted they were going on vacation and while they were gone their house was broken into.  I have also heard of people losing their job or going to jail because of something they posted on social media sites. If you think about it, it really isn't worth it.  If you use your common sense staying safe on social media should not be a difficult task.  Make it a rule for yourself to put your phone away when you start drinking and do not post anything you wouldn't say to your grandma. 

I know this doesn't sound like much to do, but it really could change whether or not you get a specific job or even asked out by a special someone.  It can also help keep your family and belongings safe!  So next time you want to rant about something and share all with the world, ask yourself if it is really worth sharing or if it is something that could harm your reputation before posting.

 (Picture from Google Images)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Kentucky Derby: The Beginning

     Since I moved to Louisville, KY I have grown to love the Kentucky Derby and all the festivities that come with it.  I enrolled in a class called The Kentucky Derby and the Media this semester and I couldn't be more excited.  My professor William "Billy" Reed, sports writer for Sports Illustrated and sports editor for The Courier Journal.  In this blog I am going to tell you what I have learned thus far.  The years we have covered are 1875-1910.

     The book Mr. Reed assigned for this class is titled, "The Kentucky Derby: How The Run for the Roses Became America's Premier Sporting Event." by James C. Nicholson.  He said it is the best book he has read on the Kentucky Derby and goes into great detail.
     The Kentucky Derby hasn't always been what it is today.  According to Wikipedia in 1872 Meriwether Lewis Clark Jr. visited England to watch the Epsom Derby which is what the Kentucky Derby is modeled after.  Lewis Clark eventually came back to Louisville, KY and created The Louisville Jockey Club.  Clark was able to purchase land, with help, from his uncles, John and Henry Churchill and The Louisville Jockey Club would eventually be known as Churchill Downs.  The first Kentucky Derby was in 1875.  The winner was Aristides, ridden by Oliver Lewis. 

     Gambling would end up being the reason the Kentucky Derby almost didn't survive.  The Louisville Jockey Club originally didn't allow gambling.  When a wealthy owner threatened to not come because he couldn't bet on his horse they changed their decision and allowed him to bring his own bookmaker.  Once they realized they were getting cheated they refused to allow bookmakers at Churchill Downs.  When this happened the wealthy owners stopped bringing their horses to the race.  That is why one of the races was ran with only 4 horses.  After new ownership and the closing of the competitor race, The American Derby, Churchill Downs adopted a pari-mutual way of wagering which is what is still used today.

     We also discussed a bit about the jockeys in class, but I will go into more detail about that in my next update on the Kentucky Derby.

 (From Wikipedia Churchill Downs 1901)


Friday, January 17, 2014

What is Social Media?

Social media is one of those things that means something different to every person.  I think the meaning also changes depending on the generation you are from.  My mother is bothered by it and didn't want to be involved until she realized she was missing out on pictures of her grandchildren.  I have to call her and let her know that I posted pictures so she can get on her computer.  My siblings, for the most part, are active on at least facebook, but don't really post much.  My nieces and nephews, who are all 22 years old and under are extremely active in social media and post quite a bit on different platforms. 

To me, social media is the best way to keep in touch with family and friends.  Since I live away from all of my family, facebook is the primary way we keep in contact.  I have also found family I didn't know through social media and have even met some of them. I love that I can chat with them no matter what I am doing.  People can't always talk on the phone, but I can usually find the time to glance at whether or not I have a notification from one of my social media sites, who that notification is from, and whether or not it is important enough to respond quickly. 

I am not going to lie though.  I do miss the times before social media and feel that my age is the main reason I am not very active on my social media sites.  I only signed up for twitter and instagram to familiarize myself with different social media platforms for my social media class.  It is definitely not a necessity and it drives me bonkers when people act like it is.  I also get annoyed with how some people use social media.  One girl I went to school with seriously asks for money, rides, and help with bills on her facebook.  That is way inappropriate to me.

Social media really is a great thing.  It is just a new, innovative way to keep up to date with anyone and everything you are interested in.  I can't wait to see how it will continue to change and what else may enter the social media world.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hello!  My name is Jacklyn Mantooth.  I am a proud mommy to an amazing little 4 year old girl, Emily.  In October I will be celebrating my 5 year anniversary with my husband, Waylen.  I am originally from a small town, Poseyville, Indiana and grew up in a rather large family.  I have four sisters, three brothers, and fifteen nieces and nephews.  I miss small town living, but also love city living.  I moved to Louisville in 2007 when I was 23 years old and met my husband the same year. 

I am writing this blog primarily for the Social Media class I am taking at the University of Louisville, however, I hope to continue blogging after the class is over.  This is my first semester as a senior and plan to graduate in December.  I do plan on continuing my education, but I want to concentrate on my career and my family first.  Even though I am a proud student of U of L, I am a die hard Kentucky Wildcats fan.  I grew up watching Pitino coach the Wildcats and that is a big part of the reason I love sports so much.  also the reason I want to pursue a career in something that has to do with athletics.

I am currently working for a company called Aramark and I am located in the YUM! Corporate Headquarters in a store called The Company Store.  I work with and for amazing people and would love to figure out a way to get them into the social media world.  My absolute dream job would be working for a professional sports team (doesn't really matter which one) either in social media or crisis communications.  Really though, I am enjoying my degree choice so much I really don't think it would matter what area I end up in.  I'll be happy!

I hope you enjoy my blog, but please be patient with me as I am still new to this blogging thing.  I am eager to feel more comfortable and am hoping this class helps me open up online.  I liked to blame my generation for being just before the big technology boom, but then I met my professor who is pretty much my age.  For now, I'm signing off.