I thought this advertisement was absolutely beautiful and it even brought a tear to my eye. I love that they incorporated many different cultures and people that America is made of. I also enjoyed it being sang in the different languages that are heard around America. Coca-Cola definitely touched on the emotional aspect of the American people, but it was not all good.

When I looked up the definition of American on Google it said an American is a native or citizen of the United States. http://bit.ly/1bzQURj It does NOT state an American is only white and only speaks English. The American Dream started back in the Colonial time when the British established settlements in the new world. People come to America to start a new and better life for themselves and their families. We are known as the Melting Pot. When the British settled here they were immigrants themselves and took the land from the Native Americans. There are ways for immigrants to become citizens of the United States now and after they complete the class, they are Americans. Many of the people I have met from other countries love America and what it stands for, but they are not fond of the people in it. So many people feel that everything should be their way or no way and they are not adaptable to change. These people make the rest of us look bad. It seems they tend to forget that somewhere down the line their ancestors were not from America and moved here as immigrants.
Some of the people who caused a big stink over this commercial didn't even realize that the song sung was not the national anthem. Maybe that was why they caused the stink to begin with, but if you think about it, they really are not as proud as they think. How do you throw such a public fit on social media when you clearly don't know what you are talking about? If these people were truly proud they would love that our country is so diverse and is a place others want to be.
Coke's commercial showed what people should be proud of. It showed Americans getting along and celebrating together, which is how it should be. I loved the commercial! Way to go, Coca-Cola!
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